Monday, June 2, 2014

E-mail (Dated: 6/2/2014)

Hey hey hey! This week has been SO much better. Honestly, Hermana Fernelius has been doing a lot better! It was such a relief! I felt all of your prayers headed our way. It really was a miracle. I am so grateful!
So we had Paolas baptism on Saturday!!! We actually found out that at her sisters baptism last week (Adriana), Poala asked Heavenly Father if he wanted her to be baptized too when her sister was going into the water. And of course he told her YES!! Everything went beautifully! Me and Fernelius gave a lesson on baptism and then I said the closing prayer. The hard thing was that her mom was not able to be baptized this week. She has to be interviewed with President Kusch first. It was really hard for her to be happy for Paola. But we reassured her that Heavenly Father has a plan for her. And her own day would come!

This week we prayed and prayed and prayed to meet our zone goal of putting 15 people with fecha (baptism date), but we still didnt meet our goal. We did everything we could to meet it, and it still didnt happen. This was a very good learning experience for me. I learned that Heavenly Father had a different plan in mind. He put so many people in our path this week! Every corner we took, someone we knew or that was a potential investigator was waiting for us. We were able to have an incredible lesson with a man named Miguel. Miguel is 26 and even speaks English! He told us that he feels God has abandoned him. And that this could possibly be the last chance he gives God to show him that he is really is there. The spirit was so strong the entire lesson and completely guided me and Hermana Fernelius. It was incredible! By the end of the lesson, he told us that if he doesnt follow this path, it isnt on us, but it is from his own choice. I pray that everything will work out... kinda super stressful haha. But it is all good! I know that Heavenly Father will take care of him!

I am also so grateful for the beautiful gift of the Holy Ghost. I know without a doubt he guided us and kept us safe this week. There were some moments during the week where he pressed on me so hard and clearly. And I am so grateful I was able to listen to those promptings!

We also have a mission goal of reading the Book of Mormon in 72 days!! So its 10 pages a day (IN SPANISH)... We started yesterday! So if any of you want to do it with me I would be SO excited!! It takes me a long time to read in Spanish, but I know it will push me and help me so much! And when I say a long time I mean like an hour and a half for 10 pages... its hard haha!

So fun facts of the week:
1. We conctacted a Mariache Band this week!!!
2. We found out that when the Vocanoe looks like it has smoke coming from it, it IS smoke haha not clouds (:
3. Someone told me I looked like Britney Spears this week (: (: hahahahaha.

I love you all so so much! Have another spankin week (: mwah!

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