Monday, June 8, 2015

E-mail (Dated: 6/8/2015)

Hola Hola Hola!

This week in Alpuyeca was great!  We have found an amazing couple! There names are Karen and Jaime and they have a little boy named Mateo who is about a year old. We have been teaching Karen for the past two weeks, but Saturday night, we finally had the chance to meet her husband! We brought another couple with us- La familia Sicardo. And it was like all the puzzle pieces we had all just fit together. The members bore their testimonies and shared their conversion stories that happened about 8 years ago. As the hermano Sicardo cried to us, sharing his testimony, the room was filled with the spirit and brought us all so much joy. The hermano Sicardo invited them to come to church yesterday and they said yes! And the best part... Karen and Jaime ended up taking me and my compion to church!!! (And this is a big deal! Cuase just to get to our church we have to travel an hour... So its a challenge to get people to travel that far) But the whole ward was so welcoming and they fit in amazingly. And my favorite part of church that actually brought me to tears was when a young mom bore her testimony in sacrament testifying that families are eternal. And Jaimes face brightened and he turned to his wife and said "Its true!". Ah so so tender. They held hands during church the whole time and I just cant wait to teach them about eternal famlies!!

We also had 2 other investigators in church- Kenia and her sister! Kenia is progressing beautifully! But if you can keep all of these investigators in your prayers we would be so grateful!

I am so grateful for these tender moments. I am SO grateful that Heavenly Father has let me be apart of so many wonderful experiences. I love this time my Heavenly Father has given me to serve him.
I love you all! Les amo! Have a great week!

Con muchooo amor,
Hermana Chynoweth
Scrip of the week:
2 Nefi 27:23 "For behold, I am God, and I am a God of miracles."

PS The first pic is from today- I met up with Hnas Neuberger and Skinner here in Cuernavaca! And the second is from today also with my companion Hna Canales! If you look closely im pretty sure the man in the back of the bus is picking is nose haha...

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