Monday, May 25, 2015

E-mail (Dated: 5/25/2015)

Hola hola hola!

Its been another great week. I'm liking my new area! The ward is great, we have some awesome investigators, and my comp is a doll! Its super hot here though! The sun is a lot stronger here for some reason! Me and my comp got fried on Saturday. Oh and its funny, Alpuyeca reminds me of Mani in a strange way haha. Ill attach a pic (:

So this week not too much has happened, we had a big conference again and I had to say goodbye to my mission President and his wife. :( They end here next month. So that was crazy! Our next mission President is from Mexico! Ill only have one transfer with him though. And do you guys remember my "mission mom" ( my trainer) Hna Fernelius? Shes in my Zone! She is ended her mission this change too though. 

So anyway back to the area- not gonna lie, I don't think I've ever been rejected so rudely in an area. I have been a little surprised, but nothing a missionary cant handle (: Just helping me grow. Im always up for a challenge haha. Its been crazy. but we have found some amazing new investigators and we are really excited to work with them. Sofia is doing great and progressing. We finally met her sister too and she also has a baptismal date. They have been so receptive to the lessons, we just have to get their mom on board. 

Quote of the week:
"I am sure that if you or I held in our hands the original scrolls that Moses wrote upon or the very metal plates that Mormon had inscribed, we would fell a deep sense of reverence and awe and would treat those objects with great care. And so we should, because they are sacred objects, made so in part by the labor and sacrifice of the holy prophets who so painstakingly prepared them. 
But the greatest value of such scrolls or plates is not the objects themselves, but in the words they contain. They are sacred because they are the words of God." -D. Todd Christofferson
This week we talked a lot about the importance of the scriptures. I never took into account that it was probably so hard for the prophets to write upon the plates and not to mention how hard it must have been to carry them around everywhere. I am so grateful that these men that were called of God sacrificed so much so that today we could have the scriptures to search, receive comfort and draw us closer to our Heavenly Father. 

I love you all! Have a great week! Mwah!

Con muchooo amor, 
Hermana Chynoweth aka Brookie Cookie

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