Monday, December 22, 2014

E-mail (Dated: 12/22/14)

Wow it has been such a special week. It has been full of Heavenly Fathers help and guidance. Just yesterday we found a reference that we had been looking for for a couple of weeks now. His name is Alberto, and he had been taking lessons from the missionaries about a year and a half ago, but was never baptized. In our lesson with him, he brought up baptism and told us he wants to be baptized as soon as he can!! It was such a miracle for me and Hermana Mills!
I want to tell you all about our Christmas miracle we had this past Saturday night.  We had the baptism of Sarai (Investigator of Elders Gonzales and Tvetin). Me and Hermana Mills have been able to talk and sit with her at church because we are in the same ward. And for her baptism, we were able to help her change into her clothing and guide her into the font. As she got in, she couldnt stop saying how cold the water was haha. But as she took Elder Tvetins hand, everything went quiet and peaceful. He baptized her, and after she came up, it was like a heavenly quitness and peace came over us. She slowly walked back to the steps with Elder Tvetin, and once she got up the stairs to me and Hna Mills, I handed her a towel. She put it to her face and began to cry. She closed her eyes and almost fell back like she was going to faint, so me and Hna Mills put our arms around her to steady her. We sat there for a long time, taking in the most powerful spirit that I have ever felt. When she opened her eyes, she looked at Elder Tvetin and then at Me and Hna Mills and thanked every single one of us. She continued to cry and looked up towards the Heavens. We soon guided her back into the bathroom, and after she changed and came out, we asked her how she felt. She responded saying, "I dont know what you both saw in your own baptisms, but I saw God crying". 
I have never had such a tender experience in my whole mission exprience. I felt so honored just to be the tiniest part her experience. I am so so grateful for the opportunity to share this incredible gospel. It really does change lives and give people a new start. 
I love you all so so much! I hope you all have thee best Christmas (:
Con mucho amor, 
Brookie Cookie aka Hermana Chynoweth

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