Monday, December 15, 2014

E-mail (Dated: 12/15/14)

Holaa mis amores!

I feel like our area is really coming along! We have so many wonderful people that have such high potential. It always seems to be the last house or when we think we have given it our all when we find someone new to teach. This happened last night again- All our appointments had fallen, no one was answering the doors or anything. And as we were praying in our hearts to know what to do, I looked over and saw that a light was on in a house across the street. Just a couple weeks ago, we had contacted the woman that lived there (She was a reference from another investigator). But her schedule is always changing and she never has time. She rejected us at first but after we sang a hymn to her, the spirit touched her heart and she told us to come back. So we ran over to her house and she let us in! She had the cutest little family of three-her and her two kids. Prayer is part of their lives, but they had never prayed together. And so for the first time we were able to pray as a family with them. And they committed to start praying daily as a family (When the kids are with her and not staying with their dad). Something was just really special about them. I cant wait to see what happens with them!

Everything is going really good here in Palmas! Its such a special time of the year. And the people are really really good to us here. And my companion is great- We cant seem to stop laughing lately!
Well I love you all so so much (: Hope you are all having such a great time of the year!

Con muchoo amor,

Your Brookie Cookie <3
Pic: MERRY CHRISTMAS from Hermana Chynoweth and Hermana Mills! (: (We had a stake christmas activity this past week and the choir sang! lets just say it was really special and ker you would fit in soo perfect here (: hahaha love you)

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