Monday, November 3, 2014

Email (Dated: 11/3/2014)

Hola mis amores!! Wow can you believe I only have 9 months left today!? Time is crazy! Im so grateful for all this time that my Heavenly Father has given me to work here in Mexico. Honestly this has been the most amazing and needed time in my life. I will forever be grateful for each day Heavenly Father gives me to serve him. 
Things are great here in Cuernavaca! I have loved this time with all these sisters! We actually just got a call from our Zone leader though, and he told us that Hermana Sturt and Castenada are going to leave... they will be headed to Cuautla. :( I may or may have not started crying. Its been such an amazing 2 weeks to be with my best friend from my mission and now shes leaving. :( But I know its from Heavenly Father so I just have to try to accept it with a good attitute! Im trying to work on giving Heavenly Father my whole will. :) I know that as I do, I will see more and more miralces. And hey I got to spend 2 weeks more with her than I should of had, what a blessing (:
So this week we were actually able to work out until 9 again!! We were so excited! It was such a huge blessing. We actually found an amazing family in the last moments of the day! 
We have an investigator named Rosy, and we had such a tender experience with her this last week. As we started a second fast with her, she promised the Lord to fast every first Sunday of the month for the rest of her life. The spirit flooded the room as she put all her faith and trust in the Lord and made him that promise. I really do know that fasting has true power behind it. I know that as we show Heavenly Father our faith, he will answer us and we will see miracles. I invite all of you to go to the Lord in fasting, with a specific question. And I promise you as a missionary for our Savior Jesus Christ that he will answer it.
I am so grateful for this gospel. I love it so much. I know that it is the only way to happiness. Nothing of this world is worth our Eternal bliss. 

PS fun fact of the week: Halloween has actually been going on for 3 days now.. haha Mexicans love to party here! But its alot different! Not very many people dress up! They mostly put out offerings for their dead loved ones! 
I love you all so so much! Have such an amazing week! You are all in my prayers (: Oh and Ill send pictures next week I cant on this computer!
Con todo el amor del mundo, 
Brookie Cookie
Les amo!!

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