Monday, October 27, 2014

E-mail (Dated: 10/27/2014)

Hey hey hey! Okay so to start off... I'm 20 years old. whoa. But I had such an amazing birthday!! These girls I am with took such amazing care of me!! My day started off amazing- ha sturt tackled me in my bed! And at church we had 5 investigators!! And after church I had a special experience with a less active. As we got to know her, the question "Is there a specific reason why you stopped coming to church?" would not leave my mind. I was so nervous to ask it... But I finally got the courage to ask her. She immediately filled with tears. She told me that in all these years, not one person or missionary had ever asked her that and that that was the key question. She told us that the problem was with some members. But it was such a learning experience to me to always listen to the spirit. I know that it is only with the help of the spirit that we can really find peoples concerns or problems. 
When we went back to the house to study after the less active, I walked into our house and immediately had confetti and all the girls singing happy birthday to me! It was so stinking cute!! They bought me a cake and everything! And i had absolutely NO idea!! They planned everything while i was in the shower each night haha! But im so blessed to be able to spend this time with these angels! I love them!
Also yesterday we did the impossible- I ate a Habanero!! YES a chile habanero!! Its been my goal for sooo long!! Oh my heavens Its literally like putting a match to your mouth! or as the scriptures would say, the gates of hell opened up. Trust me when I say literally your insides burn! I only swallowed the first little bit and I was dyin after! Ill all show you the video when I get home (: 
Its been a great week! We are really able to strengthen the investigators and members here in Palmas as we work with 6 girls! We have been able to see many many miracles!!
Scripture of the week:
Mosiah 4: 27 "For it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he hath strength".

I love you all so so much! Thanks for all the birthday wishes!! LES AMO!!!
Con muchoooo amor,
Brookie Cookie (:

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