Monday, August 25, 2014

E-mail (Dated: 8/25/2014)


So to start off, shout out to my home girl ROSE!! She leaves this week for her MISSION!! Rose i love you!!! So proud and excited for you!!! 

So this week we had a huge multizone conference. And the zone from Iguala came (its an hour and a half bus ride) so they got to stay the night here with our zone. And guess who got to stay with me in my house.... Hermana STURT!!!!! (My best friend from the MTC) I about died when I saw her!! What a HUGE tender mercie for me to be able to see her and have her stay the night with me!! Ahh I missed her so much! Heavenly Father reminded me that he is watching over me. The conference was so amazing. The spirit always teaches me SO much. And Im always so grateful for the opportunity to learn and to hear from all my leaders! 

One thing i am working on this week is the Christlike attribute- Charity and Love- I am going to pray every day with the energy of my heart to be able to be blessed with this gift. I want to be able to feel the pure love that Christ has for EVERY single person I come in contact with. I know this will help and bless me in so many ways!!

The family Calderon (Daughter is America who has Downs) is so special. We watched the 20 min. video of the Restuaration with them and the spirit was so sweet. The mom is such a believer and has so much faith! They are continuing to soak up all the lessons! I feel so blessed to be able to be a part of their conversion.

So one thing that our area is struggling with is church attendence. We pass by for multiple investigators before church and something ALWAYS comes up. Satan does ALL he can to put something in the way of church! And most the time he puts something good in the way... but church is the best thing!! 
I am enjoying the work here in Chilpo! There are some really great people here! The weather is great- It has been raining like every day!! We hike through the mud (: My comp is good... were struggling a little bit but its all good! SO much miscommunication with the language... My Spanish is continually improving.. little by little! It will come eventually! Heavenly Father is teaching me a lot of patience haha (: But everything is great! I have faith that some miracles are around the corner for us! Changes arenext monday but I will most likely stay here with Hermana Canaan!

Okay Scripture of the week:
Hermana Kusch (Presidents wife) shared this scripture with us at the confrence- Its in Mormon 5:23 "Know ye not that ye are in the hands of the Lord? Know ye not that he hath all power?" It was such a great reminder for me that Heavenly Father is right by our side and wants the best for us. All of us truely are in his hands!

I love you all so much! Have such a great week!

Your Brookie Cookie
Fun Fact of the week: We got serenated by drunks last night hahaha. And the guy was actually really good at the guitar!!

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