Monday, April 13, 2015

E-mail (Dated: 4/13/2015)

Hola Hola Hola! First things first.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAIGENNN (on Friday)!!!! Love you so so much!! Hope your birthday is amazingggg!!! So this week was Amazing! Me and Hermana Skinner have seen sooo many tender mercies and blessings! This week I think its fair to say neither of us have worked so hard in our entire missions. We both just passed out on the floor each time we walked through the door each night! At the end of this week, we ended up finding 15 new investigators and 8 of them accepted a baptismal date! It was so so exciting!! But i want to tell you guys about my favorite miracle this week. We were just heading back to our house one night, when someone behind us said "Excuse me, are you guys Mormons?" We told her yes and she smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen and said "I've been looking for you guys!" As we got to know her she told us that the past two Sundays she had attended our church. She has so so many questions that she wants us to answer like how she can know which church is true! She has a guy friend that invited her to church and she kept going even without him!! We returned the next day and she was SO excited. She had been practicing how to pray and is just the cutest thing ever. Oh her name is Annie and shes like 22 by the way (: Biggest miracle. We love her! Another huge miracle we had was that Jose (Our little old man) let us into his house for the first time. And he let us clean his house!! We have been trying to help him ever since we first met him. It was actually really hard to see what he was living in though. He had old food in his sink, dirt, and ants everywhere. I remember being a little worried to open up the fridge cause i thought i was going to find rotten food, but when i opened it up, there was nothing but a bottle of ketchup. I couldn't believe it. Ah it broke my heart. Some of these people live in such sad circumstances. We really are so blessed back home. Never ever doubt that. But anyway after hours of cleaning, we got it all sparkling clean and we even had brought lots of pictures of Christ to put up in his house after (: The difference of the spirit was CRAZY! It was so special for me to be able to serve him. Well i love you all so so much! Have a great week!! MWAH!! LES AMO!! Con muchooo amor, Brookie Cookie, aka Hermana Chynoweth

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