Monday, February 23, 2015

E-mail (Dated: 2/23/2015)

Wow its definately been a crazy week. It was full of ups and downs! We had lots of conferences- Elder Mendoza from the 70 came and talked to us! It was amazing to hear his council and testimony!
But besides all the conferences, this whole past week we have been trying to get a hold of our investigator Marialena (The woman who was supposed to be baptized very soon). She had been out of town for family problems, and when she came back, it seemed to be impossible to find her. Everyday as we passed by her house, she was out selling or no one knew where she was or she felt sick and "couldnt talk". But yesterday after the conference, we went to find her. She wasn't home again, but we decided to talk to a less active and tell her what we had learned in the conference and that she was missed very much. Then, right as we finished, Marialena walked by. We ran to her to help her carry her bags and she rejected our help. She was not herself. It was a completely different Marialena than the one we had been teaching two weeks ago. She told us that she didn't want to talk our lessons anymore and that she wanted to be alone cause life was too hard. She didn't want to talk or see anyone. This threw me and Hermana Mills way off. We talked to her on the side of the street, all of us with tears streaming down our faces.  Finally, she said okay come into her house and talk. I've never been in such an intense situation. I prayed so so hard that the spirit would guide our words and soften her heart. And after talking it out with her, she finally said okay I will keep listening to you, and I will be baptized! It was amazing to see how strong the power of God was. He completely answered our prayers and softened her heart. She came back to herself and her desires to follow and turn to Christ came back.

This experience was a very learning experience to me. I saw how in just two short weeks, how fast satan can come and attack us. And if we don't study the scriptures and pray every single day, we will fall FAST.

I'm grateful that we are still able to continue to teach our Marialena. And I'm so grateful for the power of the Holy Ghost. Because without it, we would have lost her. Also, If you all could keep Marialena and her family in your prayers I would be very grateful!!

I love you all so very much (: Have a great week!
Con muchooo amor,
Hermana Chynoweth aka Brookie Cookie

Quote of the day: "Dont yield to stans lie that you dont have time to study the scriptures. Choose to take the time to study them. Feasting on the word of God each day is more important than sleep, school, work, television shows, video games, or social media. You may need to reorganize your prioritites to provide time for the study of the word of God. If so, do it!"                                                                                  -Elder Richard G Scott October 2014 Conference.

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